Hopping on the Astrology bandwagon

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by 6-eyed shaman, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I was never truly into Astrology, but I could follow it. Except for the one time somebody actually made a star chart for me! :D Then I didn't understand half of what was on it. Heck of a gift!

    I mean, I knew the girl (her name was/is Veronica) but we weren't close enough to have really talked about Astrology; though I guess you didn't really have to... I think we are both Pisces and having that in common we may have discussed some things. But I don't think we even shared thinking on compatibility - which seems like a major topic within Astrology.

    But I didn't talk about that with anybody, so that doesn't necessarily mean much. I would have been just parroting what I heard from my two good friends Jamie and Jenny who were wayyy more into it that anyone else... lol :D And I don't parrot. Much...
  2. Persepe

    Persepe Members

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    Have you done your natal chart to see what your moon and rising is? Also your Venus and Mars placements are super important. Do you go by Tropical or Sidereal? I recommend whole house system.
  3. Persepe

    Persepe Members

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    I personally go by Sidereal Fagan-bradley whole house, and I'm Aries sun, Capricorn moon, and Pisces rising. With Venus in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. Pluto is in Libra.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Happy Birthday Zodiac Killer..
    Persepe likes this.
  5. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    Oh darn. I like to take things freely without giving in return. :D

    I think i get what Irm means though. I normally get confused what people mean by free spirit.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    You're a traveller. You're free.
  7. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    My reply: True story for y'all:
    I'm sitting in my favorite coffee shop and it's full of college kids and various adults, all of whom may or may not be students or professors, when I open my little linux box and check the wifi access. I noticed that I left bluetooth on, as well, but paid little attention. When I scan for available wifi, I got a lot of local area businesses within a block of me. Then I start noticing all the other wifi access available and realize that I'm also accessing everyone's phone and PC. It was weird, and I felt kinda' creepy. Looking at bluetooth access was equally creepy. These folks have no concept of cyber security. Don't waste my time telling me about their encryption. That stuff can be blown through in less than a minute with apps that can be accessed via the web. The scary thing is how many were wide open, running no encryption at all. Not even a firewall. If I was evil I could've had some serious fun with all this.

    Back on topic: I'm an Aquarius, and my former wife loved rubbing into me that "You're ruled by Uranus!" She was a Gemini. I don't think I want another of those.

    Those interested in such things may want to check the Chinese zodiac. It's also rather interesting in that, according to it, your best mate will be the same sign as you, or separated by any division of 4 years from you. Also significant are divisions of 4 months. Their calendar revolves around 12 years with the attendant signs, just as the months do.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  8. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Despite the obvious function of symbols, direct revelation has the primal place in realization. There are many means of communication that do not involve words, and the appearance of this card in a reading might mean that nonverbal messages are being sent.

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