Women who adore Aquarius men

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by meangreen, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    it's strange that i attract mostly earth and water signs because i have air and fire dominant in my personal planets. then again, i had a chart thing done on astro.com that calculated which planets influenced you most and i had *in this order* Saturn, Neptune then Uranus. so maybe that's it. o.o but it's hard to say, because i thought your personal planets and the houses they fell in would tell you what had the most influence on you. so i've been pondering that. food for thought.
  2. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    to be honest i have fire,water,earth and air in my chart
    no real dominated elements in my chart, althought the air signs seam to make up a slim majority.

    I mean right no i feel like most the elements are influencing me right now, i have gemini insominia, plus some fire energy to get me moving, some water signs to affect my feelings which is i'm sorta tired, but not that tired and air signs to keep me thinking.

    I don't have any of these signs thought leo,sag,pisces,virgo,scorpio
  3. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    in the planets, True Node and Chiron i have Aquarius, Aries, Sag, Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces and Gemini. So I think Aquarius and Capricorn are the most dminant in my chart, they both have 3 placements then after that Aries which is in my Venus and Jupiter o.o the 10th and the 12th house also have *all together* 7 planets in them. ^^; so i guess I'm sort've one-sided. I have a friend who has Aries in Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and as her ascendant as well and has her Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in the 1st house, so if you wanna talk one-sided she's beaten everyone i know at that. ^_^;; she's great though, we were pretty close for a long time but i guess i started to bore her so she went looking somewhere else for something more amusing. o_O
  4. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    I have both capircorn and aquarious in my first house, i couldn't understand how that's possible afterall a person can only have one rissing right???

    All read out the plannets

    True Node is in Tarrus
    Chiron is in gemini

    Sun is in Gemini
    Rissing is in Cap
    Moon is in Aries

    Mercury is in Gemini
    Venus is in Tarrus
    Mars in Cancer
    Jupitor In Aquarious
    Saturn is in Scorpio
    Uranus is in Sag
    Neptune is in Cap
    Pluto is in Scorpio

    based on your venus sign ichigo_fizz, i'm assuming your attracted to fire signs, but i don't know.

    If thats the case I'm suppose to be attracted to earth signs then, i'm not rally attracted to them although i get along with them i don't rally expect to marry one.

    what i've been thinking is look out for people with similar venus signs

    rember when i was asking spinelli about that aries girl who also had venus in tarrus in her chart.

    When i met her you could so tell she was an aries, she was so forcefull and she had that energy around her.

    She met me first and i just played along as things went on, i whould have went all the way but sometimes i can be vary quiet and introverted -loud and extroverted, and i was going from one trait to the other.

    I bumped into her when i went to vist my old home where i grew up in, 4hrs from where i am now.

    I don't know it was like we where both playing that game where me know each other but we pretended not to know each other kinda like have me ever met before???

    we just looked at each other either that or we both had something deep down but didn't want to show it.
  5. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    you know what? that reminds me, i read that Venus and Mars will tell you what type of person you're attracted to but your Juno sign is supposed to tell you what type you'll actually end up marrying. i read that rather recently, i don't remember where though.
    i don't know about the Capricorn and Aquarius both in first house. maybe you're rising sign is on the cusp? i'm pretty sure i've read about this but i don't remember exactly what it is i've read. i think you're rising sign is the sign that's in the beginning of your first house, because Aries enters my first house a little more than halfway. and i'm sure you know i have Pisces rising. so, a natal wheel tends to be harder to read, a chart is more cut and dry i think. a natal wheel shows more though.
  6. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    I've got a lot of catching up to do intermes of reading about astrology,

    I however turned an unbeliever of astrology to a believer with linda goodmans sun signs
  7. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    congrats, i have yet to do so. i usually avoid trying though because my mom and my sister are always bashing astrology and how it's a "sin" to study it and everything. to be honest, it kind of really hurts my feelings that they can't just let it alone. i never bring it up, i could just be at the library getting a book on astrology and that just welcomes another lecture. this is the reason i avoid trying to make others believe in it. i actually didn't believe in it until i picked it up just as a hobby because i needed something to do, then gradually realized its accuracy as i did. but i don't try to convince others of anything. i actually rarely bring it up around most people. hope that made sense. ^_^;
  8. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    I pick astrology up as another way to find out why people act the way they do

    I know thats more of an aquarious thing but after reading a bit more about my rising i think i figured it out,why i'm like that

    Basicly what happened was aquarious lands in my first house, however i have no planets ruled by aqarious, the only thing that does land in that house is jupitor which is ruled by Capircorn.

    So likewise my rissing became capircorn, however since i don't have any real strong influences of either i show both capircorn and aquarious, although i wish i had aquarious as a true rissing because it whould make so much more sense.

    But it leaves me with more questions then answers because that means i have jupitor in aquarious in my first house, and i heard that alot of importance is places on the first house, and i have a some what mismatched rissing.

    How did i convince a person about astrology, my sister came over all the way for a vist with her boyfriend, i was "peacfully forced" to give up my bed and i left some of my astrology books on my bed, my sister started skimming throught one of them, you guessed it linda goodmans sun signs.

    she then read the part about the capircorn male, in the morning she was like thats so like him.The way he acts, and does things.

    one last thought astrology in your family, its typically the air and the fire signs that rally go deep into astrology anyway, I whould say more or less aquarious and aries. Aries is spirtual and aqaurious is big on that new age stuff.

    Astrology just interesets me and provides me with some insight into people without actualy having to learn the inner workings of the human brain.

    Linda goodman was an aries and i knew an aries who took out all of these tarrot cards in class and she started reading peoples astrology.

    I was like WOW,

    i also think she figured my sun sign out easily, i rember she said to someone that ben i don't know he's a great guy but othertimes he can act completly in diffrent. Seams like she figgured my two personalities.

    so if most of your family members are earth or water i whouldn't go out to convence them, but your sister might buy into the idea soon as she grows older.

    If they think astrology is a sin or if your in doubts keep this in mind

    There are alot of biblical accouts of astrology in the bible for example the 12 disciples represented the 12 zodiac signs.

    The piscean age was ushered with the symbol of the fishies.

    The reason why people think astrology is a dark art is because they think it an art of predicting its not, and altering gods plans for us.

    Its more about finding what ones purpose is in life. Its not the meaning of life but the chart answers why some of us are here on earth. So its more of a guide not so much giving away whats going to happen.

    for example i found out i'm more communicative because most of planets and signs appear in the 4-6 houses(2nd quadrant) that means i'm more of a communicative person.

    Its all in interpreation and the fact that people don't understand the subject that they criticise it.

    my dad thinks astrology is a sin, but it doesn't matter because

    he doesn't argue the subject with me because i'm pretty chatty, so unless he wants an ongoing debate and argument about astrology going on for several hours its wise not to start an argument with astrology with me.

    i've done it before and they normaly reach the point where there like alright just stop talking.
  9. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    i'm usually a good arguer but i don't bother trying to argue over Astrology because it won't do any good. and i think you're right about the Aries and Aquarius thing because it was actually my Aries friend that got me into Astrology.
    and you know, i read once that there's an official Astrologer certificate or something that you can get *but i think it's really difficult to* and there were a set of rules and everything that you sign and agree to follow when you get it, and among them was something along the lines of never trying to play God.
    i think what i'll do is go out on my own and read what the Bible says about Astrology. i mean, if it really does say it's a sin, i will regretfully put it aside. if not, i'll have evidence for others that it isn't. and, btw, thanks for your help. ^_^ i appreciate it.
  10. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    Let me know what you find.
  11. peony blossom

    peony blossom Member

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    I am a capricorn and my boyfriend is an aquarius. His birthday is the day after mine.
  12. Redwingsfan

    Redwingsfan Visitor

    I’m an Aquarius male and just love life and ladies
    Varmint and ~Zen~ like this.
  13. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    I'm an aquarius. My last wife is a Gemini. She had a habit of telling me: "I'm not listening to you. You're ruled by Uranus!"

    Of course, she also had the bad habit of teaching me that I can live without sex, too. Dick move on her part. She's been doing the same thing to her boyfriend, and with the same results.

    Some folks just never learn.
    colloquial likes this.
  14. Aquarius8

    Aquarius8 Members

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    Many women want an egalitarian man from a notably radical innovative sun and moon sign like Aquarius (which I happen to be, a Feb 15th baby with a sun-moon conjunction in the 8th house plus Cancer rising) and I have to say an Aquarius woman is an ideal partner for me (I have a wife who's a cancer sun and of course, her Aquarius moon bonds with mine).
  15. Grogy

    Grogy Members

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    I am an aquarius and mostly people think i am weirdo,some of them says that i am introvert some says i am extrovert.
    6Sailor9 likes this.

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