Will Russia or Ukraine Win the War?

Discussion in 'Question of the Week!' started by skip, May 21, 2022.


Will Russia or Ukraine Win the War?

  1. Russia will win

    4 vote(s)
  2. Ukraine will win

    5 vote(s)
  3. Neither will win - war is hell - there are no winners

    33 vote(s)
  1. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    After this game sorts its self out, there will be another one coming along. It's in the DNA of humans. Some win, some lose. Just don't forget to --BUY MORE. BUY MORE NOW.
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Russia is committed, in classic Russian style, meaning its pointless for the Ukrainians to even surrender, and Russia is not asking them to. Every country in the world knows Russia won't stop at just the Ukraine, and grabbing new territory is simply what they do, when their backs are against the wall. The Chinese are ahead of Russia, but have withdrawn their business support as their economy faulters, while the Ukrainians are blowing up their oil reserves, slowing down their booming economy at the same time.

    If the Ukraine loses, WWIII breaks out, if they win, WWIII breaks out, and its a No-Win scenario either way. The US is sending them everything they can possibly use, and dozens of other countries as well. One of their air bases was just destroyed, so funneling them new weapons is becoming crucial.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
  3. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    When Putin invaded Crimea, the thinking was "just let him have Crimea, then he'll be satisfied". Then he invaded the Donbas, and the thinking was "just let him have the Donbas, then he'll be satisfied". It should be clear that Putin is not someone who will stop unless someone or something stops him. It should also be clear from his massive list of war crimes (torture, mass murder of civilians, mass rape, use of chemical weapons, kidnapping 20,000 Ukrainian children, etc.) that the horrors inflicted on the Ukrainian people would only just begin if Putin were to gain control over them. Seriously, it's like this dude has checking off every war crime known to man on his bucket list. It should also be clear that no peace agreement with Putin would have any meaning, because he's violated every agreement he's felt like violating.

    We would also expect Xi to be emboldened to attack Taiwan if Putin succeeds in Ukraine. We would also expect to see every country in the world try to get nuclear weapons, because it would become clear that international law is meaningless.

    I'd really like to see peace in Ukraine, but I don't think letting Putin win is a path to it, any more than letting Hitler have Poland was.
    skip likes this.
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Even if you killed Putin, Russia would remain Russia, and their entire economy is based on a war-time footing right now. The war with the Ukraine is the only thing stimulating their economy. They're a giant cut-throat corporation, that periodically eats all of its neighbors, because they can't get their shit together any better. Russia's just been invaded so many times, they learned how to survive without having to rely on anybody being in charge around here!

    Now, China is ramping up the threats as well, as the US knocks their economy out from under them. There is almost no doubt whatsoever, the shit is about to hit the fan hard, and NATO is only now prepared for anything remotely like WWIII. People are moving more weapons half the damn way around the planet, then you can shake a stick at, in both direction and over the north pole, just as fast as they can.

    Hitler was easy to hate, a clear target to shoot for, but Russia going insane is just par for the course for Russia, and our modern technology has made international politics unsustainable.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
    skip likes this.
  5. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    It all depends on who wins the U.S. election.

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