nope, and I will take it a step further. If he could run for a third term I would vote for him again.
This is the rhetoric of Leftists. I would say there was a better "republican" than Obama, just in this last election. Someone who would've restored freedom, the Constitution, ended the wasteful conflicts and, saved 1 Trillion dollars in the first year alone. Obama on the other hand, doesn't give a shit about the Constitution or saving money. And he (just as Bush did) plays with the world as if it were a chess game; There is constant propaganda to get the people behind BS wars like: Libya, Syria and, Iran. And, Obama legalized that propaganda in the NDAA. If you people still support Obama, I feel sorry for you. I didn't vote for him- but I regret it enough for everyone who did. Big government force will never be peace. My biggest problem with Leftist who support Obama, is that most would be fine with allowing Obama to take the Constitution, because they believe government "help" is getting something out of the deal. We're falling into the biggest scam perpetuated in history. Obama is sponsored by the same elite Bankers as Bush- the VERY same which control our Federal Reserve. My wish for America is a little insight into these things. Our freedom is much more valuable than anything a system of brute force and tyranny could bring us. And we are no longer a "free" country, we have gone extremely far astray from those principles. And both Republicans and Democrats continue this vicious cycle. Obama is a treasonous sociopathic businessman. He makes MUCH more money from corporations than he does the people. And the laws he passes which restrict civil liberties and freedoms, reflect that.
<< Big government force will never be peace. My biggest problem with Leftist who support Obama, is that most would be fine with allowing Obama to take the Constitution, because they believe government "help" is getting something out of the deal. We're falling into the biggest scam perpetuated in history. Obama is sponsored by the same elite Bankers as Bush- the VERY same which control our Federal Reserve.>> But they fall for it everytime and even fight each other to be first on the train....until they realize the only person fooling anyone was them fooling their selves. That happens all the time. What is different now is that the target is everybody, not just some pathetic pied piper leading the feckless off to "peace" but using them against all of us to get as many of us as possible. The only hope is that he is running out of time and may only be able to get his voters before we get him gone and see what we have left. If we can get him gone...war or disaster keep him in and he's trying desperately to create both...?
He's been a good president so far, though he's been the target of incessant slander coming from the GOP. It's a shame that those on the right are blocking all of his programs from coming to fruition. I'd like to see this country become more socialized like much of Europe. I feel it is simply where things are going. Away from failed libertarianism and conservatism and onward towards are more communal way. At least let's have better safety nets so no one is forced to sleep on the streets in the winter. And the market is just far too free right now. It's a monster. We need an empowered government big enough to tackle it.
Minimum wage should be at around the $15 mark, so double what it is now. That would be a good start in moving towards a better and happier tomorrow.
And you also think minimum wage should be raised to 15$ an hour? Man o man, your about to get flamed big time from some of these folks in here. (Don't completely burn em guys, give em some breathing room.) But ya, I myself am not one of those guys who are gonna flame ya. Either way... Yea its something I hear a lot. People saying that europe is a much better place and all because its more socialized. I also hear a lot of these statistics about denmark and sweden being happier countries because of socialism. In france women who have children apparently have someone they can call and come over to their house and clean up, make meals, help care for the kids. Sort of like some on-call nanny all payed for by the government. I think I saw that in michael moore's little documentary about health care(yea yea yea, hes that liberal peice of shit i got it already! im just telling you where I saw this shit, im not pro-michael moore or anything). I just think it looks pretty damn low stress, but what's the catch? And on the topic of raising minimum wage, I myself hope that doesn't happen. Hell ill take all the money whoever gives me, but its just the idea that, raising minimum wage only creates inflation. You can jack it up to 100 bucks an hour if you want. All you will get is a bunch of millionares who are homeless, starving, and freezing cold in the winter, roasting hot in the summer. Because minimum wage is minimum wage. Doesn't matter what number you assign to that title of "minimum wage". And I hope it doesn't raise, I just landed a job that is about 11 bucks an hour, which puts me ahead of those who make minimum. Its really not much, but hey its better than our current minimum wage, which helps me alot. I guess you can say its just not fair that I get the extra 3.5 bucks over the minimum wage laborers. But I dunno, lifes just not fair. I could go more in depth with this and all but we are talking about obama and wether or not you regret voting for him.
They'll regret it more in a few weeks if they don't already. I gave up. They kinda deserve it even tho nobody in my mind does. But it sure makes ya rethink your pity and caring. Don't let it drag you down too, just life for fools and chiselers whether they see their self that way or not. How does any gov get rid of a pile? Promises of utopia that can't possibly happen until our population is like these "idealistic" countries they hear their fairy tales about....and you know what that means....happens every time. History. Obama his self has signed more papers to make that happen than any before him. He'll be remembered as the "American Stalin" and "Benedict Arnold" rolled into one. With him, thinking people never expected anything different.
Ok ever since Obama got elected he's been accused of being weak and he made things worse etc etc. How has Obama made things worse? Look at the economy he inherited. Had he made the economy worse wouldn't we be in another Great Depression? That didn't happen. As for Obama being weak on foreign policy. Again he inherited two long wars with Iraq and Afghanistan. These two wars have been long and they have left Americans not in no hurry to go into any other country using military force. This has left Obama with fewer options for dealing with the Assads,Putins and North Korea's dictator and these dictators know this. So many keep saying Obama is looking "weak" but these same folks know he only has a few options for dealing with these dictators when they act up. So Obama critics need to acknowledge that we aren't in a Great Depression and that Obama's handling of Assad and Putin has been limited by our two current wars.
I only voted once in my life, when I was young and ignorant enough to think my vote could count in any way. I have not voted since.
a penny does not mean much....but if there are 99 are still short one to make a dollar..... If everyone thought their vote did not count, then would there be any? I found a lucky penny on the street today....:2thumbsup:
I myself don't trust any anti-(insert person/place/thing here) propaganda. From what it sounds like to me, anyone who sits in that white house is destroying our country according to someone. You can talk and talk and talk, and try to pound it into my head that the world is black and white, our country is coming to an end, that everything about this particular person in this office is a peice of shit... but your not going to sway me to think like you in every way. Never will I hurl the insults at any particular person that I hear so much about our country's leaders. I dont give a fuck how much dirt you dig up on that one guy, im sure theres tons of dirt on all of us to be dug up. What really causes the most troubles in the world is all the un-needed drama. I remember all the shit being thrown around about our last president. Hell theres a ton of shit I disagreed with that he did. But what good would it do me to participate in the shit slinging that all his political opponents engaged in? It isn't productive AT ALL!!! I guess people get a high off all the controversy... meh, I guess I do to I love controversial topics. Anyways... Ill keep my personal views of the president regardless of all the shit slinging out there. I dont know how good of a person he is at heart, I cant read his fucking mind. Neither can you. As far as I know, hes trying to do what he thinks is right. Theres likely lots of things he doesn't want us to know, or see. I hear he is a smoker, but ive not seen a picture or video of him smoking. Anyways... To all you who disagree with the president, dont like him, hate him, hate his policies... or think hes an illegal alien, or an alien from outer space. Hes going to be gone in 2016. Term limits work wonders dont they? Theres one thing for certain that you cannot convince me of right this second... You cannot convince me that the president is a dictator. Im not buying it untill he stays in office past the term limit. Then we can talk about dictatorship.
I voted for Gary Johnson because I liked what he said about reforming the US drug policy but if I had of voted for Obama I wouldn't regret it. I kinda regret voting for Gary Johnson. Oh...and I can read minds