I had intended a farcical response centered about a story I was going to make up about Andrew Jackson spitting apple seeds or some such out the South windows of the White House... So I looked up what kind of trees flank the portico. Lo and behold they are southern magnolias planted by President Andrew Jackson in the 1830's and are the oldest remaining trees. Here is a site that describes many of the trees in President's Park. Click on the tree link.
Yes, it connects the West Wing to the Old Executive Office Building. The construction project bugged the shit out of the media people for about two years, since it created a lot of noise and dust near the platform where they do nightly TV reports. In recent years, most new construction around town has been underground. Architectural purists won't let anybody build higher or significantly change the appearance of anything old, so there's nowhere left to go but down. I once stayed in a downtown hotel that had five levels below ground, mostly for meeting rooms and restaurants. One of their lower hallways led straight to a subway station. Nowhere to put a proper front door. I love curved porches! This side porch is near Baton Rouge, Louisiana: ...or malicious paper airplanes.
Bill has aged a good bit since leaving office, but I'd still do him. He's probably the best looking PM you've had in my lifetime, unless I'm forgetting somebody. Actually, I'm not 100% sure now what John Major looked like. Apparently, CNN is reading this thread. I just turned them on to see if anything big was going on in the world, and they were showing the only view of the White House that is almost entirely unobstructed by trees! It's a remote control camera on top of a hotel about a block away, shared by all the major networks. If you walk straight through Lafayette Park to the far side, it's the first building on the left. Foreign leaders often stay there.
:toetap05: Show some respect to Monica! I wonder if he thought any Americans would actually believe that.
Blair's rather boyish good looks and engaging style of speaking just go to show how deceptive appearances can be. John Major was a grey bespectacled man. There were rumors he had an affair whilst PM with Edwina Curry, a member of the govt, and actually a nice looking woman.
I'm guessing that he either panicked or took bad advice. Edit: or both. Either way I don't think he thought anyone would believe it. He just didn't want to admit.
Not many I should think Bill never inhaled Monica never swallowed - a joke I recall from that time.:mickey:
I hope that will never be a campaign issue again. I don't think it will. I didn't say I would vote for him. Neither are deal-breakers for me. John Boener has neither gray hair nor glasses, and he's still uglier than shit.
It probably will. Perhaps it is an issue for less people but after all, most ministers (or just government people in general) are kinda anal about their smoking behaviour here too. They know there's a large part of citizens that do not like the idea of the people that govern their country doing or have been doing dope... and unfortunately most of them belong to the part who actually uses their vote :mickey: